Bulk Storage

Mooij Agro may call themselves the specialist when it comes to Bulk storage of potatoes and onions. Especially large amounts of homogeneous products are stored 4 to 5 m high for a longer period of time. Bulk storage results into a high quality product at lower costs.

Whether you want to store potatoes from sandy soil or onions in a wet climate, Mooij Agro supplies the most complete and appropriate storage system. This results into the best quality product after a long period of storage. With or without heating, cooling, humidification and/or drying.

Ventilation system
The ventilation system consists of air inlet and outlet, fans and an air supply system. For this you can make use of underground or overground ducts.

Half round ducts
Half round ducts are used for the air distribution in the pile. The walls are compression resistant.

Quality sells!
When using the ventilation system of Mooij Agro you get the best storage results. These potatoes for french fries are still hard like a rock and make sure that you get profit out of your investment. 

Multiple fans in the pressure chamber
This pressure chamber is provided with multiple fans that run at the same time. The fan speed can be adjusted to blow the best amount of air into the ducts.